Important Documents to Provide

In order to market your home effectively, your Dreamcatcher Realtor will need some associated documents pertaining to your property.  Here are some of the most important documents needed right away,  but almost any documentation you can give us regarding your property will help us to make a better presentation to prospective buyers.


Survey or ILR (Improvement Location Report) – You should have a copy of this in the closing package that you received when you bought the property. A new survey will need to be done when you sell the property, but prospective buyers need to see property boundaries. Having a copy of a recent survey could get you a discount at sale time.                     

Seller’s Disclosure – This is a standard form that your Dreamcatcher Realtor will provide to you to fill out to the best of your ability. You will answer lots of questions regarding your property which will provide valuable information to buyers.

Tax Records – Tax records or copies of payment coupons are needed for the past couple years.

Well Records – If there was an existing well on your property when you bought it, or if you added a well, those permits and reports are necessary.  If you do not have copies, you can access information online at

Liquid Waste Permits – If you have a septic system on your property, it will be necessary to have a copy of your permit. You will need to have your septic system inspected before you can close on your home sale.  If you can’t find your permit, you can access online information at

Water Rights Documents – If you have an acequia or irrigation ditch on your property and you have legal water rights, it is useful to provide documentation that you might have on association fees, ditch name & such.

Very Helpful

Details of your property – Actually, maybe this should be at the top of the list of importance!  The more specifics that you can give us on your home the better we can market and promote it.  While the Seller’s Disclosure that you filled out pertains to the nuts & bolts of your home, more intimate details will make the presentation of your home first-class.  There are several approaches that you can take:

  • Room by room – Take a pad and paper and walk thru each room of your home noting all the details such as flooring, light fixtures, appliances, window treatments and etc.  For example, maybe the front door was hand carved by Pygmies and blessed by Dennis Hopper. Then take your notepad outside and make notes on any landscaping or garden space plus any important aspects of the style or construction of your home.

  • Narrative – Write up in your own personal style - why you love your home and what makes it special.  Nothing will make your pride of ownership shine more than this endeavor.  There is no need to be “flowery” with your words, just let your enthusiasm for your home shine.  For example,  “It has become our family custom to set under the back portal and watch the vibrant NM sunsets”                                     

Floor plans – If you have an appraisal of your home, it will contain a simple floor plan of your home along with room sizes and total square footage.

Photos you have taken – Your Dreamcatcher Realtor can and will come to your property to take photos, but you will certainly have some very special ones possibly of rainbows, snow covered mountains, sunsets and other experiences surrounding your home.  Maybe you built your home and have some great photos of how your Strawbale was constructed.  All of these are valuable assets to show prospective buyers.

Articles written about your property – If so, these articles, whether in print or online, are wonderful supplements to the marketing of your property.

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